Welcome to my website!

I am an Assistant Professor at Ponce Health Sciences University in Puerto Rico. I teach courses about research methods and psychological and cognitive assessment in the School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences.

I am a researcher at the Cognition, Learning, and Technology Laboratory (CLTLab; co-led by Dr. Mario E. Bermonti-PĂ©rez). Our research endeavors focus on leveraging technology to comprehend neuropsychological functioning in both healthy individuals and those grappling with mental and physical health challenges. My primary areas of research revolve around cognitive functioning, encompassing cognitive planning, attention, and working memory, particularly in individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders like ADHD, mental health conditions such as Anxiety and Depression, and gastrointestinal disorders like Celiac Disease and IBD. I am affiliated with esteemed organizations such as the Psychological Association of Puerto Rico, the Inter-American Psychological Society, the International Society for the Study of Celiac Disease, and the Society for the Improvement of Psychological Science, among others. You can find more information in the Research section.

Academic Interests

Research methods and mentoring

I am interested in applying different research methods and mentoring students.

Psychological and cognitive assessment

I want to improve the psychological and cognitive assessment techniques.

Academic and cognitive intervention

I am interested in developing cognitive and academic interventions for school and university populations.